Scooter Online Warehouse

BEWARE of the online promises when shopping for a scooter!

No after sale service!  (See Yelp)Service & repair anywhere in California!
No returns! (See Yelp)Clear return policy, get it right before the sale!
No clinical check! (See Yelp)Always a phone consult before the sale!
Promise Everything (See Yelp)Service for Life, all of California!
After Sale - "Don't call us!" (See Yelp)We will touch base with you every 4 months to
see how things are going!
Free service Hoax (See Yelp)Real (1) Year Free Service by MedSolutions
White Glove Service Hoax (See Yelp)MedSolutions Employees & Service for Life!

MedSolutions, LLC is accredited by The Joint Commission, Licensed by the State of California, Rensa certified ATP, RTS on staff and fully licenced and insured in California. We have been "Making Life Easier, for Life" for all of our customers since 2001.